Cord Cutting and Mini Distant Clearing

20 minutes - Long distance/remote $47

Feeling a little stuck or drained? Let us help you with cord cutting and mini distant healing to release any unwanted attachments that may be weighing you down. This session will assist you in cord cutting and releasing energetic attachments that may be hindering your well-being. This sessions aims to help you feel more centered and balanced and is perfect for those seeking a way to clear out energetic congestion.

Transformative Healing Session

1 hour - Long distance/remote $230

Our Healing Session is a transformative channeled energy healing experience focused on a specific problem. Helping to release any tension or negativity you may be holding onto, leaving you feeling lighter, more centered, and more in tune with your inner wisdom and divine nature. This single session is tailored to your unique needs and is designed to help you gain clarity and find the peace that you deserve.

Healing Sessions + Mediumship Reading

30 Min Mediumship Reading
1 Hr healing x3 - Long distance/ remote $740

Open yourself to the loving guidance of spirit and receive messages that can bring comfort, healing, and inspiration. Our gifted medium with 20+ years of experience will connect with your loved ones in the spirit world and offer insights that can help you on your journey. Combined with a healing session by yours truly, this package offers a powerful
opportunity to release blocks, balance your energy, and align with your higher purpose. Our practitioners will offer nurturing support as you integrate the wisdom gained from your reading and continue on your healing path.

Special Custom Package: Healing + Coaching + Mediumship Reading

Schedule Consultation call

This custom package will help us gain a deeper understanding of your unique challenges and goals, and will serve as the basis for creating an individualized plan that is tailored to your specific needs. Throughout the process, you will be provided with ongoing support, guidance, and feedback to help you stay on track and make the progress you desire. With this comprehensive approach, you can be confident that you are receiving the highest level of care and support as you navigate your healing journey.